Native Education

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Alumni Association

Alumni are the woven strands of the basket that NEC is. NEC is more than a college, it is a place where Indigenous learners have achieved their own personal successes. NEC has built the confidence of thousands of learners who have become leaders in their own communities and lives.

Alumni are an important part of NEC’s future. It is the stories like yours, that give others the courage to take that first step to pursue their educational dreams. Yours stories and your support will help NEC to continue the work we do for the next 55 years

How You Can be Involved

You can be involved as much or as little as you like.

First, we’d love to hear from you and add your name to our Alumni list so we can keep you within the NEC family!

You can join our Alumni Association

– Quarterly meet-ups

– Contribute to a quarterly newsletter

– Invitation to attend recruitment and other events

– Public speaking opportunities at NEC

– Record your NEC experience as a video for use on social media marketing

You can be on the Alumni Committee

– Campaign for elected Chair, Vice Chair, Secretary, Treasurer spots

– Plan and organize alumni meet-ups and events

– Encourage other alumni to join the association

– Participate in NEC fundraising events

What People Say

“Leo egestas molestie nunc eros, dictum vivamus lectus vulputate tincidunt arcu id facilisi augue sed mauris non, vitae consequat id.”
John Hill
“Elementum faucibus dui, a id ac sagittis semper elit iaculis dictum cras aliquam vestibulum auctor libero blandit pellentesque sodales leo diam purus, lacus sapien.”
James Dean
“Et semper faucibus est justo, nec vulputate erat tellus elementum proin sed vitae erat feugiat auctor ante laoreet porttitor risus feugiat in volutpat nunc.”
Hillary Rice
“Etiam hendrerit urna neque diam fames semper vel feugiat auctor arcu lectus dolor enim tortor dui netus ornare donec dis.”
Rodrigo Alonso
“Est fusce praesent mattis viverra cursus dolor euismod metus risus vel, nisl, lorem eget quam egestas.”
Julia Michelle
“Eget interdum id nunc at diam pellentesque tortor eros aliquet sed pretium, fermentum, nulla ornare diam.”
Mila Jackson

Meet Your Hosts

Adipiscing congue a vitae consequat egestas adipiscing amet aliquet ornare tristique tellus vel accumsan tortor blandit erat interdum congue.
Faucibus enim tellus bibendum mi tincidunt ut risus accumsan bibendum venenatis odio aliquet ac sit sed porta et amet sit neque vulputate velit in porttitor quis elit tortor aliquet nullam malesuada nunc, sodales mattis integer varius quam et sem turpis lacus tellus cursus aliquam, ac at congue enim.

Mark Campbell

Vel enim, vitae, id felis dolor sagittis, semper vitae risus viverra sit condimentum egestas fames dolor.
Feugiat ornare lorem et quis venenatis at in mi aliquam, condimentum faucibus vitae vulputate ut iaculis id risus vivamus ipsum lectus blandit eget sit sed convallis lectus feugiat odio massa egestas enim etiam varius vitae felis sit massa velit.
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