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Indigenous Adult Basic Education

This diploma program is Tuition-Free, and if eligible you can get your fees, books and Upass covered by the Adult Upgrading Grant.
Program Description

The BC Adult Graduation Diploma (also known as the Adult Dogwood), program gives students high school completion and prepares them for careers and post-secondary education. IABE is accredited by the BC Ministry of Education and is affiliated with Vancouver Community College (VCC). This program embodies an Indigenous perspective by offering Cultural Studies, Social Justice, and Creative Writing with Indigenous approaches,  First Peoples English and First Nations Studies. All our English courses use literature by Indigenous authors to provide a cultural and Indigenous worldview. After completing this program, graduates will meet the Grade 12 prerequisite requirements for post-secondary education.

Indindigenous Adult Education

Learning Outcomes

Upon completion of the Indigenous Adult Graduation Diploma, the learner will have

1. Analyzed how First Peoples languages and texts reflect their cultures, knowledge, histories, and worldviews

2. Appreciated and understood how language constructs and reflects personal, social, and cultural identities

3. Recognized and understood the role of story, narrative, and oral tradition in expressing First Peoples perspectives, values, beliefs, and points of view

4. Connected mathematical concepts with each other, other areas, and personal interests

5. Understood the impact of historical exchanges of ideas, practices, and materials among local B.C. First Peoples and with non-indigenous peoples.

6. Increased awareness and understanding of digital security risks

After completing the BC Adult Graduation Diploma students meet the requirements to apply to any other program at NEC or university of their interest in B.C.

Classes begin in January, April, and September 2023, in Vancouver B.C.

Occupation upon Completion

Our graduates can continue their post-secondary education at Native Education College by taking one of the certificate or diploma programs, including:

  • Health Care Assistant
  • Indigenous Justice Studies
  • Indigenous Digital Leadership
  • Indigenous Land Stewardship
  • Office administrations and Employment training 
  • Family and Community Counselling
  • Indigenous Early Childhood Education

Program Summary

Small Class Size

Structured classroom-based in-person courses


Our IABE program is tuition free, and if eligible you can get your fees, books and Upass covered by the Adult Upgrading Grant.

Part-time or Full-time

This program offers courses every day, Monday to Friday

BC Adult High School

Once this diploma is completed students are eligible for Universities and Colleges

Course Descriptions

To graduate with an Adult Dogwood, students must have:

  • A required Language Arts 12 course
  • A Math 11 or 12 course 
  • At least three additional Grade 12 electives, or a Grade 11 Socials Studies course and two additional Grade 12 electives

Courses and credits can be counted from either or both the public secondary and post-secondary systems.

Of the five courses required for the Adult Dogwood, at least three must be completed after the adult student has entered the Adult Graduation Program, either through enrolment (instruction) or Prior Learning Assessment. This means that students can receive credit toward the Adult Dogwood for no more than two qualifying courses completed while in the B.C. (school-aged) Graduation Program. You cannot receive an Adult Dogwood using only courses completed prior to enrolling in the Adult Graduation Program.

Native Education College ABE program course offerings:

Grade 10 
(Intermediate Level) 

Grade 11
(Advanced Level)

Grade 12
(Provincial Level)

First Peoples English  040

First Peoples English 060 First Peoples English 080 / 081

MTH 040

MTH 061 or MTH 062

First Nations Studies 080

FNS 060

Creative Writing 080



Social Justice  080



Computers 080



Admission Requirements, Fees & Tuition

Mature Applicants
Tuition and Fees
  • 18 years old or older
  • High school transcript
  • Completed CAAT assessment.
    If you do not have your High school transcript, and CAAT assessment documents, you can do the exams at NEC

Program Tuition:


Total Cost:$322.00
The sooner you apply, the better your chances

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